Online Teletherapy


COVID-19 and social distancing impact all areas of our lives. These uncertain times can create new anxieties and add further stress where there is already strain.  This strain can impact our relationships, our sense of emotional well being, and impact other underlying mental health concerns. 

Many people describe the following symptoms:

  • Anger

  • Ongoing worry

  • Racing heartbeat

  • Irritation

  • Loss of Sleep

  • Low Libido

  • Loss of Motivation

  • Changes in Appetite

  • Sadness

  • Grief

  • Racing Thoughts

Please don’t go through THESE HARDSHIPS and struggles ALONE.

We know that finding private space can be challenging when you are sharing space with others due to quarantine. We are happy to meet with you in your closet, in your car, or while you are out walking to get some fresh air.

Our most popular support groups are all online.  Our therapists have openings for telehealth online therapy.  Our newsletters will be focusing on ways to help you through this new world that we are currently all adjusting to together.  

We accept most major insurances including EMI, PEHP, Select Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and more. We also work with ecclesiastical leaders and bishop pay.

We’d love to support you and your experience.  You are not alone. Our team is here to help.